Deadline April 15, 2023!
Can You Hear Me Now? is holding our annual logo and poster design competition. Will your logo be the one for 2024?
The winning design submission (pairing of logo and poster from the same group/artist) will be placed on, and used for, all official Can You Hear Me Now? materials, including registration packages and advertising posters, as well as any other items used to promote the competition.
The winning design submission (pairing of logo and poster from the same group/artist) will be placed on, and used for, all official Can You Hear Me Now? materials, including registration packages and advertising posters, as well as any other items used to promote the competition.
- Both the logo and the poster design (they must be either the same thing or using the majority elements of both) must be by the same artist or group of artists.
- Any students from any school can enter
- You must be at the final (or have a representative there) to receive your prize should you win.
- Electronic submissions must be sent as a JPEG or PNG with 300 DPI through our website. Images must be 850 X 1100 pixels minimum. Hand drawn images must be either scanned or sent through the mail (arriving on or before April 15.)
- For mail-in submissions, please send them to the following address:
124 24 Avenue NE
Calgary AB
- For digital submissions, please email to [email protected] or google share to [email protected]. (Please note - scanned or hand drawn images will be subject to digitization which may change the design. For best results use a drawing program.)
- Logo designs must incorporate either the entire “Can You Hear Me Now?” name, or use the initials (the question mark must be included) as well as the year 2024.
- Logo designs must be gender-neutral or gender-balanced.
- All parts of the image must be completely original designs, owned and/or created by the artist(s) submitting the design (no copyrighted material is allowed)
- Submissions will be displayed on the website. A winner will be decided by a combination of the public vote and executive committee at the Can You Hear Me Now? Provincial School Poetry Slam. The winning design will featured on “Can You Hear Me Now?” promotional material for the following year (t-shirts, posters, book cover, and other event materials). Prize to be announced and will be presented at the Slam. So if you enter, be sure to come to the poetry slam.