The Poetry Generator
Herein, find a rag-tag, eclectic, profane, and/or banal list of ideas, phrases, and topics to inspire the generation of poetry.
- My job sucks/rules because . . . (inspired by “Office Space,” “Clerks,” and the warrant officer position in “Alien”)
- Sometimes, I wish I could remember . . . (inspired by Leonard Shelby and the Nolan brothers)
- Sometimes, I wish I could forget . . . (also inspired by Leonard Shelby and the Nolan brothers)
- What does religion mean to me? (inspired by religions)
- Tell Me Something New About Love
- On the last day before the end of the world, I will . . . (inspired by “Last Night” by Don McKellar)
- You have been given a direct order to . . . (inspired by Anis Mojgani)
- My Fondest Memory
- What I hate the most is . . . (inspired by cookies full of hate)
- At my first poetry slam, I . . . (inspired by many of the poets who participated in CYHMN? 2014)
- The First Day of School (inspired by Ice Cube)
- After the Zombies (inspired by zombie video games, zombie movies, zombie toothbrushes, zombie rap stars, etc.)
- If the whole world was listening, I would say . . .
- Life is like a . . . (inspired by something Mama always used to say)
- The best music is . . .
- My Favourite Vacation (inspired by “National Lampoon’s Vacation” – “Holiday roa-oa-oa-ooooaaa-ooaa-oa-oa-oad”)
- When We Were Young/Remember When (inspired by The Killers and Skid Row)
- I write poetry because . . .
- The Problem with Teenagers Today (inspired by adults)
- The Problem with Adults Today (inspired by teenagers)
- The Problem with People Today (inspired by adults and teenagers)
- As I walk school hallways, I think about . . . (inspired by LBHS)
- I am the face of a generation that . . . (inspired by Allen Ginsberg and Dove commercials)
- If I was Prime Minister for a day, I would . . . (inspired by Stephen Harper)
- People made fun of me because . . . (topic suggested by Ashley Eyles)
- I am grateful for . . . (topic suggested by Ashley Eyles)